Organ Donation
Roles & Responsibilities
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FAQs on Death Investigation

A: The following is a list of deaths in which the Coroner's Office is contacted:
  1. Sudden death of a healthy child.
  2. Death occurring within 24 hours of admission at a hospital or health care facility
  3. Physician unable to state cause of death, after careful review of medical chart, or decendent does not have a physician
  4. Known or suspected homicide
  5. Known or suspected suicide
  6. Related to or following known suspected self-induced or criminal abortion
  7. Following an accident to injury primary or contributory, either old or recent
  8. Drowning, fire, exposure, acute alcoholism, drug addiction, strangulation, aspiration or malnutrition
  9. Accidental poisoning (food, chemical, drug, therapeutic agents)
  10. Occupational dsease or occupational hazards
  11. Known or suspect contagious disease constituting a public hazard, excluding A.I.D.S.
  12. All deaths where patient is under anesthetic
  13. Incarceration
  14. All deaths of unidentified persons
* The Coroner will determine if the death will be investigated or if the death certificate can be routinely signed by the attending physician.

A: Not always. If the death is a "Natural Death" and cause of death can be determined by past medical history or from an external exam, the Coroner will normally not perform an autopsy.

A: There are a number of reasons autopsies are performed. However, the basic reason is to determine the medical cause of death. The primary reason is to gather evidence for presentation in a court of law.

A: No, not if performed by our office

A: Due to legal and health issues, visitation of the loved one is done only at the funeral home after the body is properly prepared.

A: Contact the funeral director of your choice as soon as possible and advise him/her of what has transpired. Your funeral director will then coordinate further arrangements with the Coroner and help you begin the preparations for your loved one's funeral.

A: Most cases that are investigated by the Coroner's Office are reviewed and closed within 14-21 days. If a case is pending toxicology, a cause and manner of death could take up to 8 weeks for final results.

FAQs on Organ Donation

A: Most anyone from birth to age 75 and beyond can be a donor.

A: As an organ donor you can donate heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestine, and pancreas. As a tissue donor you can donate corneas, skin, bone, and heart valves.

A: Yes. Every day up to 8 people die due to a shortage of donated organs. Another man, woman, or child is added to the transplant waiting list every 18 minutes

A: All major religions fully support organ and tissue donation. If you have a specific question contact your religious leader.

A: No. Once your family gives consent for donation, all costs related to the donation and recovery of organs will be paid by Indiana Organ Procurement Organization.

A: No. The appearance of your body will not be altered. A highly skilled team of transplant surgeons will recover the organs in a manner that will allow your family to carry out normal funeral arrangements.

A: Each patient waiting for a transplant is listed with the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). This agency is responsible for ensuring that the donated organs are distributed equitably and fairly. When a donor is identified, the donor's blood type, tissue type, body weight and size are matched against the list of patients currently waiting for a transplant. In addition, the recipient's severity of illness and time on the waiting list are factored into the matching process.