Important Information
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Probation: (Guidelines for successful completion)

You have been placed on Probation. This means for the time stated by the Judge you must abide by all the terms he/she has listed for you. If you fail to comply with the terms of Probation it may be revoked. While on Probation you must maintain monthly contact with your Probation Officer as directed. It is also necessary to be sure that the information in the Probation Office remains current. If you change jobs you must inform the office within 24 hours. If you fail to comply with any of the signed, written terms of Probation the Court will be notified and your Probation may be revoked. If you are found to have violated a term of your Probation, you could serve all or part of your suspended sentence or have your Probation extended.

Your Guide for Successful Completion

• Obey all laws of the City, State, and Federal Government.
• Maintain monthly contact as directed by your Probation Officer.
• Maintain gainful employment.
• Notify your Probation Officer of any change in employment or residence.
• Pay all fees ordered by the Court.
• Complete all recommended programs to provide verification of completion.

Contact Us

Nancy Ward - Chief Probation Officer

259 E. Walnut St. Suite B
Frankfort , IN 46041

Phone: 765-659-6355
Fax: 765-659-0202
Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 4:00PM

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• Glossary of Legal Terms
• Know Your Indiana Courts
• Indiana Probation Department Listing
• Indiana Constitution