Organ Donation
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Understanding Tissue and Organ Donation

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult things you will face. But during this time, you can make a decision that offers your family member the opportunity to give a final gift to someone else in need. This decision may also offer you and your family some comfort in knowing that another person's life was saved by this special gift.

You and your family might be contacted by a member of the Indiana Donor Services and asked to consider donation as a possible last act for your loved one. Depending on your situation, you may be offered the option to consent to the donation of various organs, tissues, eyes or corneas.

Please be assured that:
  1. Organ and tissue/eye donation is, in essence, a gift of life. Each tissue is extremely valuable to the recipient.
  2. The donation will not delay the funeral or memorial services and will still allow for open casket viewing if desired.
  3. Your family will not incur any additional medical costs because of donation.

Every year, families are offered the opportunity to give the gift of life through donation. We understand the decision to donate is a difficult and personal choice, one which often needs to be made at a time when the family is experiencing a traumatic loss. We encourage you to discuss this topic with your family and loved ones.

Share your life.

Every year, thousands of people are given a second chance at life through transplantation.

These individuals would not be alive today without the generosity of families who have made this life-giving decision.

You can save and enhance the lives of up to fifty people by donating your organs and tissues for transplantation.

People suffering from heart disease can start living healthier lives with a heart transplant.

Patients with kidney failure can eliminate the need for dialysis by receiving a new kidney. A blind person can see again with a cornea transplant.

Not only is donation beneficial for recipients, it also helps the donor family in their time of loss. Donation providies the family with an understanding that something positive was able to come from their personal tragedy.

Share your decision.

The most important step in becoming a donor is to discuss your wishes with your family.

Even though you may have signed your driver's license, donor card or indicated your wishes at a Bureau of Motor Vehicle (BMV) branch, you must talk to your family about your decision to donate.

At the time of death, your family will be approached regarding organ and tissue donation. Knowing your wishes to donate will make their decision to give consent easier.

We encourage you to take time now to discuss your wishes with your family. A simple five minute conversation can make the difference between life and death for those waiting for a transplant.