Child Support
Victim Assistance
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Who Child Support Assists

• Any parent or person with custody of a child who needs help to establish a child support order
• Any parent or person with custody of a child who needs help to collect support payments from the non-custodial parent
• Any parent or person who needs help to establish the identity of a child's parents (paternity)

The Child Support Division represents the State of Indiana and is not permitted to act as your attorney; however, we may be able to assist you in the establishment, enforcement, or modification of child support orders.

The Child Support Division is not permitted to assist you in matters relating to divorce, custody, or visitation.

If you believe any of these apply to you, first, you must establish that you have a child that is legally entitled to support.  A court must legally identify the other parent of the child and order that person to pay a specific amount of money to assist with the expense of raising the child.  We can help you with this process if you have not yet legally established the identity of the child’s other parent and would like to establish a child support order, or if you have a valid child support order and would like assistance in its enforcement.  In order to file a contempt action for non-payment of child support, the obligated parent must be the equivalent of one (1) month in arrears.  You must bring the proper information to this office, unless you or the child are currently on medicaid.