Community Corrections
About Corrections
Program Benefits
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The Clinton County Community Corrections Program is a county governmental agency that was established in 2002 to provide community-based supervision utilizing electronic monitoring for clients in our local criminal justice system and clients transitioning from the Indiana Department of Corrections back into our community. Our agency is governed by an Advisory Board and is subject to state/local statutes and regulations. Additionally, we are required to follow policies and procedures set forth by the Indiana Department of Corrections. We operate and are funded through an Indiana Department of Corrections grant and income from client´s user fees. The purpose of the services provided by our agency is to provide alternatives to incarceration at the state and local levels for clients referred by Clinton Circuit, Clinton Juvenile and Clinton Superior Courts. Feel free to contact us for specific information regarding enrollment, services, guidelines and costs.

Services Provided:

  • GPS Monitoring Adults and Juvenile
  • CTP Re-Entry from Prison
  • Case Management
  • Mental Health Evaluation/Treatment Referrals
  • Drug and Alcohol Evaluation/Treatment Referrals
  • Educational Referrals
  • Help with Job Placement
  • Help with Housing
  • Victim Notifications
  • Help with Driver´s License Reinstatements
  • Drug and Alcohol Monitoring and Screening
  • Risk Assessments
  • Progress Reports
  • Collaborate with County Stakeholders/Law Enforcement on Shared Clients