Community Corrections
About Corrections
Program Benefits
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The Community Corrections Act was established in 1979 under IC 11-12-1-2 for the purposes to encourage counties to develop a coordinated local criminal justice system in order to divert from imprisonment which would be funded, at least in part, by the state

Community Corrections Overview:

Community Corrections is a community-based supervision agency used for the primary purpose of providing sentencing alternatives for felony offenders in lieu of incarceration. In addition to diversion, Community Corrections serves an important role in rehabilitation through transitional programming and as an intermediate sanction for Parole, Probation, Courts, and other community-based supervision or programs.

Community Corrections serves 3 critical roles in the criminal justice system

Sentence Alternative:

Community Corrections is a community-based supervision that serves as a sentencing or placement alternative to incarceration, while allowing restricted privileges to access the community while providing evidence-based interventions to establish long-term behavior change.

Intermediate Sanction:

As an important element of best practices, Community Corrections serves as an intermediate sanction for Parole, Probation, Courts, and other community-based supervision or programs. The Levels of Supervision within a Community Corrections agency are often the basis for a graduated sanction process by phasing into more restrictive Levels of Supervision in lieu of a revocation, jail, or return to prison.

Re-Entry & Transitional Services:

Community Corrections is also able to contract with the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) in order to provide re-entry services for IDOC´s Work Release program and the Community Transition Program.