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Texty Text-to-9-1-1

How do I text-to-911

• Find the message or messaging icon or menu choice on your phone. Do not use a text app you downloaded.
    • Select 'create a new text message'
    • Put 911 in the TO:: field
    • Put your emergency and your location in the message body
    • Do not attach or send pictures or videos
    • Keep your message short and do not use abbreviations

Make a voice call when you can. Text if you cannot make a voice call, or if a voice call would put you in danger. Text-to-911 is not as fast as making a voice call. The 911 center may ask you to make a voice call if you don't know your location.

What else do I need to know

    • Your phone must be able to send a text message. You can find out by texting a friend or family member to be certain
    • Text-to-911 allows limited location information so it is important that you provide your location within your text message. It can be delayed.
    • If text-to-911 doesn't go through, you will get a 'bounce-back' message telling you to make a voice call to 911