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Carol Price

Clinton County Council Member District 1
Carol Price was elected to the Clinton County Council in 2022. She represents District One which covers the northern half of the City of Frankfort.

Born in Minnesota and raised in a Chicago suburb, Price moved to Clinton County in 1977. Since then, she has dedicated her time and talent to the community. Price founded Healthy Communities of Clinton County in 2006. The coalition is a partnership of healthcare providers, social service providers, educators and community leaders interested in addressing health issues in Clinton County.

Price most recently brought the work of the Healthy Communities Recovery program together with St. Matthew United Methodist Church to create the Trinity Hope Center, a recovery center that serves more than 400 people each month at the former Trinity United Methodist Church. The safe space hosts recovery cafes, relapse prevention, and recovery meetings and provides consultation rooms utilized by six peer recovery coaches.

“I like serving my community,” Price says. “I love collaboration and connecting people and that is why I became a county councilor. I believe we can improve the health of our community through the systems and policies we enact and fund as community leaders. We can all be part of improving peoples’ lives on a daily basis.”

Price is serving or has served as a board member for organizations including IU West Central Community Benefit and Engagement, Community Howard Mental Health Advisory, the Clinton County Chamber of Commerce, SHARP, Healthy Communities of Clinton County, the United Way for Clinton County, and Wesley Manor Retirement Community. She has successfully written over 10 million dollars in grants for Clinton County organizations. Carol serves as a volunteer child advocate for the Clinton County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. The Frankfort Times named Price Citizen of the Year in 2011. Price was also named a Woman of Distinction by YWCA Greater Lafayette in 2020. Price is a graduate of the Lugar Series class of 2023-24 and is currently serving as President of the Clinton County Republican Women's Club.

Price and her husband have been married 32 years and share six adult children, 12 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren. When she’s not volunteering, Price enjoys spending time with her church family at St. Matthew United Methodist Church where she serves as Lay Leader, gardening and traveling. The Prices have traveled to all seven continents and 98 countries.